GnomePixmap vs. the old gnome_create_* functionality

Hello, guys

Now that the GnomePixmap widget and Gdk_Imlib seem to be working
correctly, I would like to make a request to Gnome developers to help
stamp out the old gnome_create_pixmap_*() functions.  These are evil,
believe me :-)

If you just want to have pixmaps in your programs, you can use the
GnomePixmap widget as follows:

	GtkWidget *gpixmap;

	gpixmap = gnome_pixmap_new_from_file ("hello.gif");
	gtk_container_add (somecontainer, gpixmap);
	gtk_widget_show (gpixmap);

That's it, nothing more is needed.  The GnomePixmap will take care of
visuals, colormaps, loading the image with transparency information,

If your programs are using the old gnome_create_pixmap_* functions,
please try to use the GnomePixmap widget instead.  I would like to
remove the gnome_create_pixmap* stuff as soon as possible.



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