Style Guide: round 3

A slightly modified version of the style guide is up.  Here are some of
the highlights which should make many of the people on this list happy.

o Menu bars are now considered optional.  There is no specification that
says "every application needs a menu bar".  There are some that don't. 
The calculator is a good example of this.  However, all applications
need easy access to help and about information.  Please see the guide.

o The "File" menu is no longer required.

o The keybinding entry has been updated:

"All applications that have common operations should use the binding
interface that is outlined in the gnome key binding standard. Using the
interface outlined in this standard will allow users to define their own
set of favorite key bindings and still maintain consistency across

This seems to reflect most of the feelings of the people on this list. 
Now someone has to write the interface. :)

Because of Michael Johnson's post the other day, I want to move the
style guide discussion off to another list, probably the gui list (
watch out over there guys. :)  We might want to consider starting
another list as well, "gnome-standards-list" for discussion of gnome
standards including key bindings, gui standards, documentation, and code
standards.  That's where a discussion like this really belongs.

Here's the TODO for the style guide for things that are not there but
will be added.

* general overview ( yes, rationale )
* fix punctuation and ""'s
* info about tooltips / buttons with pixmaps/icons
* info about internationalization
* DND ( when more info and an implementation is available for testing )
* formal language definitions, RFC style



Christopher Blizzard
AppliedTheory Communications, Inc.

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