Re: InSight IML Content Description (PLEASE READ)

<followup goes to both the list and to Bowie>

I don't speak for GNOME project, so feel free not to answer - I'm just
VERY curious. Not to mention 'drool' effect... :)

Icons are VERY impressive. As for colorization, hmm, I can see several
spots where it could go: filemanager could colorize by file size, age
or last read time (I guess it could be customizable). Running programs
could be colorized by CPU, memory or IO usage. Hmm. Plenty of choices
there - and I haven't seen any desktop system do it, although it's
fairly obvious (?) way to output critical numerical parameters.

As for the implementation, imlib could be hacked to convert between RGB
and HSV representation, then color shift is just a change in the hue.
There's plenty of RGB<>HSV code in GIMP...

A couple of questions: What were tacks meant to do? (GNOME will be
used by experienced people too...) Would it be possible to separate
icons from their backgrounds (as imlib can handle transparency)? (that
way there'd be more themes for free, just change the background)
Finally, you mention source/docs part of the InSight project - what's
in there?

I refuse to use .sig

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