Re: Problems compiling 0.91

On Thu, Dec 31, 1998 at 08:46:51PM +0000, Elliot Lee wrote:

> >  Anyway, I had .90 up and working but just ftp'd the .91 files and tried
> >to upgrade and ran into problems with 'gnome-libs'. When compiling I see
> >some warnings pertaining to 'gtk_label_set_text' and then eventually it
> >bombs out, here is some of my make.log:
> You need the latest gtk+.
> >  Using 'nm' I can't find any reference to 'gtk_label_set_text' in any of
> >the glib/gtk libs or in '' from 0.90. Is this something new
> >and we need to upgrade glib/gtk ?
> So far, GNOME releases always use the latest version of glib & gtk+, so
> whenever getting a new GNOME, get the newest glib/gtk+ as well.

  Okay, I'm off to get glib/gtk+ 1.1.11. Kind of figured thats what the
problem was but wasn't sure since the gnome ftp site has 1.1.7 (which is
what I was using).

Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most !

Mike Hall <>, (MH993)   -
System Administrator (*nix, Perl, CGI hacker, certified OS/2 Specialist)

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