RE: GNOME registry

At 10:17 31-12-98 -0700, you wrote:
>At 08:47 AM 12/31/98 -0800, you wrote:
>>The multiple trees, with replication is called LDAP.  :)
>>I am trying to get a copy of libPropList. I think this library might be
>>to use modules for saving the config information. One for normal text files,
>>one for LDAP, SQL, 
>>since Novell is trying to port NDS to Linux, maybe they would write a NDS
>>A library would be a good alternative to putting a registry in the linux
>>kernel, because all unix's could take advantage of it. GNOME strives to work
>>on all unix's and not just Linux.
>That's fine and good. I am just arguing that some interface abstraction (in
>directions) would be a good way to build a generic configuration manager.
>it thru corba would help on the multi-lang part, and also allow a really
>neat way
>to tie application configurations together in one place (steroid Control
>The implementation method behind it (LDAP/Text/DB/SQL/INI/OpenDirectory/
>Pencil and Paper) would be abstracted, so the program doesnt have to worry
>about it. 

Yeah, and maybe than you can also make a simple library api for which the
programmer doesn't need to know CORBA. That way the programmer doesn't need
to learn new techniques, as long as the library supports Corba. Or am I stupid?

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