RE: GNOME registry

At 09:45 31-12-98 -0700, you wrote:
>At 08:13 AM 12/31/98 -0800, you wrote:
>>I have played with Linuxconf. It uses add in modules for each program you
>>want to configure.
>>I think it should be the other way around. The program, through the use of a
>>library or somthing, should save its config info in what ever fassion the
>>sysadmin wants to. 
>This is where corba would be usefull. A general interface for configuration 
>information could store config information in text (ala rc.d) for techie
>or a db for non-techie users. The program should never have to worry about 
Yeah, it would be cool to have such a level of abstraction that you can
the way config files are written so that you can easilly switch to some
sort of
new fancy standard when someone gets the idea :-)

>But on the other hand, it should also provide a way for a configuration
>to "bit-twidle" with configurations that it stores in unique ways (sendmail
>for example). This could also be done thruy corba.
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