Re: Gnome scheme/guile -bindings

Teemu Ikonen <> writes:

> How do the gnome scheme bindings actually work?

I can not reveal this information as not to compromise our agents in
the field.

> The gnomeg interpreter works fine with the gtk api calls such as
> (gtk-window-new 'toplevel), but none of the gnome api calls seem to
> work.

What is the exact error message?

One thing that might causing your failure is that the (gtk gtk) module
is `used' when gnomeg starts, while the (gnome gnome) module is not
opened.  That is, all the things from the (gtk gtk) module are
available, while those from the (gnome gnome) module are not.

I's regard it as an artifact that the (gtk gtk) is openend.  Ideally
you should not rely on it.

So, just start your code with

    (use-modules (gtk gtk) (gnome gnome))

and all should be well.

> The FAQs and other documentation do not mention too much about
> gnome-programming with scheme, I hope someone could write a short
> tutorial about it...

There are examples about Gtk programming in Scheme in
guile-gtk/examples and the notepad in gnome-utils is a Scheme program
that uses Gnome functions.

- Marius

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