Re: UI Rantings [was: Re: gmc and file-selection mockups]

"James M. Cape" wrote:

> > Ok, so you think that using the context menu of a file is a bad habit for
> > printing?  Please explain to me what is bad about it.  Go into detail about
> > this, too, as I really don't see the problem here.
> Because it shouldn't be there! Open != Printing! Opening an Open Dialog
> to print a file is not the correct way to do it, because it promotes a
> bad habit (like putting spaces in created directories). Best to leave it
> out, so new users don't pick it up.

Notice my remark again, "using the context menu of a file".  I said
nothing about the open dialog.  If files are to have context menus, and
it is my belief that they should, then they should be consistent.

> Crossover is not a good thing.

And again, you statement is one of philosophy, and mine is purely
pragmatic.  Even a button to open gmc adds overhead to the process (time
to open a new window, etc).  My technique is efficient, and consistent.

Jesse D. Sightler

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