Re: UI Rantings [was: Re: gmc and file-selection mockups]

>You open a copy of the Open Dialog to print something. That is behavior
>you learned from Win9x, and because you've gotten into a bad habit of
>doing it, would like to be able to do in Gnome as well.

No, I just find it quicker than opening a file manager, browsing to the
file, and then right-clicking on it and clicking print.  :)  Using the open
dialog saves several steps.

>I completely,
>firmly, and undeniably disagree with this idea, because it is completely
>counter-intuitive, and new computer users (not just new Linux users)
>should never find anything that forms bad habits. Don't copy
>bad-habit-forming things from Windows just because they are there and
>you have made it a bad habit. Break your bad habit, don't spread it to

Ok, so you think that using the context menu of a file is a bad habit for
printing?  Please explain to me what is bad about it.  Go into detail about
this, too, as I really don't see the problem here.

>Copy and Move are grey areas, and I personally wouldn't object to them
>because they can be useful.
>Delete and Rename need to be there, IMO.

Agreed, on both counts.  :)

>However: Cancel should undo *all* changes. Period. I don't care if
>Windows does it wrong, Cancel should *always* return *everything*
>(*including* the filesystem) to it's original state, as if the dialog
>had never been opened. I can't possibly stress this one single point

Remember here, though, that the problem is that what if after doing all of
my file-management related things I decide I didn't really want a doc opened
to begin with.  :)  Then I'm gonna really wish I had a "cancel only my last
action button".  In other words, cancel really is inconvenient in these
circumstances (er, cancel the print job, too?).

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