Re: gmc associations

>   a) make assumptions based upon the filename - 1 I/O per directory.
>      Very fast.  Good for FTP/HTTP filesystems.

We support this (gnome-mime.c)

>   b) open up the file and read it's data and then make assumptions
>      based upon magic numbers and so forth (ie "file" or LibDataType).
>      usually only 1 I/O per file, so not as fast as a).  Usually fast
>      enough for local and LAN filesystems.

And this (gnome-magic.c)

>   c) Keep data associated with each file containing the type of data
>      of the file (c.f. Macintosh).  This is out of scope of GNOME and
>      IMHO really stupid :) Still usually at least another I/O per
>      file.  Possibility of bung file types in this resource fork.
>      Again, stupid.

And this (gnome-metadata.c)

>   e) Use technique a) or d), based upon user preferences.  You might
>      specify a) for HTTP and FTP filesystems, but d) for local and NFS
>      filesystems.  NFS to server "turtle" use a).  If method d) takes
>      longer than 10 seconds, give up and fall back to a).

This is the plan for the file manager.


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