Re: BUG: Gnomine wrote:
> I call it a bug, regardless of what MS Minesweeper does. I guess it's just
> a minor design flaw. imo, you shouldn't be able to lose the game before
> it's even begun. =)

How about an option to have the game click on a random square and if it
was a mine reset the board and try again.

Also it would be nice to have a mode of play where you won't instantly
lose if you click on a mine.  Instead that square gets marked as a mine
and you lose a life.  Perhaps an icon of an exploded mine would do as
the marker.  There would then be an option for the number of lives you
want which have an option of infinity for those really lousy players... 
However each lost life will be subtracted off the final score.

Kevin Atkinson

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