Re: Porblems with some Applets !

On Tue, 22 Dec 1998 10:31:48 +0100, Christian Greissing
<> wrote:

>Some of the applets won't start from the panel, these are
>slashdot, gticker, webcontrol, bussign. but starting them
>on commandline, they start and seem to work. No 
>errormsgs appear.

What ORBit/gnome-libs/gnome-core do you have? The 0.99.0 release?

>and gnome-session doesn't save the panelsettings again.

Yea, I've seen this. I need to try the new gnome-session with Jay's fixes
- I'm not sure whether the blame lies in the sesssion manager or the

-- Elliot
"In film you will find four basic story lines. Man versus man, man
 versus nature, nature versus nature, and dog versus vampire."
    - Steven Spielberg

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