Re: My Little Wish List for Gnome

On Sun, 20 Dec 1998, Robert Soros wrote:
> 	2) GMC is coming along very nicely! I'm impressed, but one little
> silly thing that I do a lot of the time, I kill the GMC window to get
> rid of it. Unfortunately, the desktop icons and everything else that
> goes with gmc disappears as well. This is a bad thing IMHO. The
> desktop icons should stay there during the entire gnome session.

Maybe your window manager kills the process instead of sending a "delete
window" event - the desktop icons are supposed to remain. Try choosing the
Close menu item instead... in WindowMaker for example, you would kill the
whole process if you chose Kill from the window menu, but the X button
only closes the window.

> 	4) This next problem has been with me since I started using linux
> about two years ago. Broken Icon images for Iconized windows.

This is an app-by-app issue. Programmers just need to do this, and usually
they forget. (I know I do. :-) Also we don't have icons for many apps,
they aren't drawn yet.

> ~/share/apps/, so when Gmenu is run normal users can change the way
> the menu is setup. As it right now, only root has privelages to write
> to that directory (and all the desktop files/.order/etc), and
> supposing everybody else could write to /usr/local/share/apps/, they
> would change the look of everybody else's panel menu,, maybe I'm
> missing something here , but each user should be able to customize the
> look of their desktop ?

Doesn't it work in gmenu? There's a "User Menu" and "System Menu" in mine.
I haven't actually tried it though.
>        10) When I run Ghex or Balsa or a number of other gnome apps,
> Sometimes I use the short cut keys, ie. Alt-f  for the file menu. But
> unfortunately when I try to use short cuts for subsequent options in
> that menu, it doesn't work. ie. in Ghex I use alt-f to open the file
> menu, when i press cntrl -o to open a file, nothing happens, nor any
> of the other short cuts in that menu :((( Unfortunately this may be a
> window manager issue (using Enlightenment right now) as none of my
> other key-macros work after I hit alt-f originally.  (alt-f1 , f2, etc
> to switch desktops do not work :(((()

It's because open menus grab the keyboard probably; the accelerator events
are processed by the main window which doesn't get events while the menus
are open. That's my theory. I don't know how hard it would be to fix in

> 	13) guname is borked, no way to scroll down on detailed information :(

Fixed in CVS, I think.
> 	15) Whatever happened to the gnome foot pixmap in the menubars ? I
> really loved that idea, it gave gnome apps a way to distinguish
> themselves from ordinary crap :((( (best place for it was in place of
> the (about) button IMHO)

It was weird and most people didn't like it, and no one ever did the work
to make it configurable.

Seemed like good suggestions, some of them are too hard to implement soon
but the bugs should get fixed.


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