Re: RPM 0.99 report

George wrote:

> > ->  Basically, I have to say that most of the E gizmos mystified me
> > ->  because most of them seem to have a counterpart in the panel.
> >
> > primarily cause E is designed to run standalone and thus diplicates
> > stuff - its as simple as:
> > ctrl+alt+b
> could E figure this out on it's own and if it senses a panel it could
> turn off redundant features??? .... then if the user really really
> wants em he can just press ctrl alt b again

this is kind of a non-issue since e is clearly designed to be a
complete, featureful window manager even without gnome. the buttons
around the outside of the desktop are part of the default theme; i
imagine somebody who distributes enlightenment with gnome (for instance,
red hat) would probably design a different (more conservative?) default
theme that doesn't include this duplicate functionality.

i tried out e back in november; i simply deleted the button section from
my config files to get rid of them by default.
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