Re: GNOME pager - the screenshot version

On 18 Dec, Colin Walters scribbled:
->  I recently checked out the stable branch of GNOME from CVS, and it
->  looks nice.  But the gnome-pager applet doesn't function like the one
->  in a screenshot (
->  looks like it does.  My pager has 9 mini-squares within each desktop
->  that seem to act like desktops themselves.  I'd like the version of
->  the pager in the screenshot; but I can't find any configuration
->  options that give me that behavior.  

you want to try the control ceneter and the E config tool to change the
number of desktops and area ( N x M )

to get your desktop setup like that you'll need to:
set desktops to 1.
set areas horiztonally to 4, set areas verticaly to 1.

in the pager desleect "use small pagers"

->  Is that version of the pager in the unstable branch?  If not, how can
->  I get it?
->  ==
->  levanti
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