Re: File selection dialog changes

Richard Hult wrote:
> Picture this:
> You are just about to save a file and realize that you want to save it
> as "file.txt". The problem is that you already have a file named
> "file.txt". Of course, you save it as "file2.txt" and then starts a
> filemanager and renames "file.txt" to "file_old.txt" and then renames
> "file2.txt" to "file.txt". Then you close the filemanager and get back
> to your application.

> You are just about to save a file when you realize that it should
> probably be in a directory of its own because it belongs to a new
> project your working on. Oh, then start the filemanager again and
> create the proper directory, close filemanager, go back to
> the application you were working with and go to that directory, save
> the file.
> Same with deleting files.

Yeah.  Rename File, Delete File, and Create Directory would
definitely fit in a FileSave dialog (though not a FileOpen dialog
), because those operations specifically address the problem of
finding the right place to put your file.

> The more extreme things that are mentioned in the hall of shame is
> probably just confusing and shouldn't be in the dialog though.

Agreed.  Most of those options are totally out of context to the
task of saving a file.  And whatever file tasks we do allow
should be explicitly obvious to the user, as buttons or something
similar.  Err, I guess this means that the FileSave dialog would
look different from the FileOpen dialog.  Anyone have an opinion
on this?  Do we care if they look slightly different?

> Just my two euros or whatever ;-)

And well spent at that....


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