Re: HELP! wierd compilation problem

On Fri, 11 Dec 1998, Brandon S. Allbery wrote:

> Well, yes, but if everyone does that then who ferrets out the bugs?  :-)

Look, man, I tried my damnedest today to ferret this problem away, but
it beat me.  8^)

You can still do substantive debugging off of the daily snapshots, you
just can't debug the CVS system.  If someone wants to work with me to
investigate the CVS problems further, then I'm happy to work with them,
but in the interim, I need a working GNOME system to do work on the FAQ.
That takes priority over my desire to help solve the CVS problems.

Todd Graham Lewis      (800) 719-4664, x2804

"It's still ludicrous that nobody's ever made a run at us by making UNIX
 a popular platform on PCs.  It's almost too late now."  -- Steve Balmer
"It is too late."   -- Bill Gates             _Newsweek_, 6/23/97, p. 82

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