RE: Speech Recognition

Isn't there a rumour floating about regarding Lotus Notes and Domino being
released as open source next year? And doesn't one of these packages include
speech recognition?

I definitely believe speech recognition, speech synthesis, and things like
ThoughtTreasure should become components of the OSS world. Imagine being
able to simply ask your computer when your meeting was with such-and-such,
and have it give you an appropriate verbal response... The funny thing is,
the biggest challenge at the current time is getting these three _current_
technologies to work together in some kind of elegant way - they already
exist in a usable form! Can you imagine the difficulty with which a business
like, oh, I don't know, one of those big software companies that make
[dis]operating systems, would have in creating such a system? I'm sure it
would be a considerable coupe for the OSS community to build that one.

Happy hacking folks.

Paul Dorman,
New Zealand.

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