RE: Sound in Gtk

On 19-Aug-98 yiyus wrote:
>This is a proposal for Gtk, I know I should send it to the Gtk list, but I
>am not subscribed and I can't manage more mail. If somebody could fwd it,
>The first one: wouldn't it be good to have an e-mail to send proposal?
>Something as a wishlist, I know I am not the first person who do this in the
>bad way.
>And my idea: what about have sound support in Gtk? Something to make some
>noise when you press a button or slide an scroll bar, similar to sounds in
>E. I am not a good developer and know very few, but it doesn't look very
>difficult. The problem could be the speed in Gtk if it has to do sound, but
>I don't see any problem with E. And having sound in the Gtk themes would be
>really pretty.
>Ok, here's my proposal. I would like to know something more to do it, but I
>can't. Though if somebody starts with it I can continue if it is routine
>(e.g. doing the same in all the widgets).

very interesting, this basically is my masters. Im currently doing a layer
like this for lesstiff (i want netscape as my demo app, as people are used
to it).
has some bibs and bobs on it, not very much i have to say, but theres
some links to relevent information. I hope to have a demo system ready
by november. if it works out it'd be a simple matter to make it an optional
part of gtk
>- yiyus
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