Re: minor FAQ announcement

    Todd> In preparation, I have several questions:

    Todd> 1) Is there a graphical SGML editor which supports DocBook,
    Todd> similar to how klyx supports SGMLtools (neč LinuxDoc)?  If
    Todd> not, then I'm actuall going to have to learn the tags, which
    Todd> is not very user-friendly...

Here's my attempt at an answer, and I'm sure others will answer

First of all, when you say "SGMLTools" you really mean "the LinuxDoc
DTD".  Since the Linux Doc Project is moving away from that and to
DocBook, I suspect that the Lyx will work hard on DocBook support.

    Todd> 2) Is there an SGMLtools to DocBook convertor?  See "drag",
    Todd> above.

I think that the latest SGMLtools (I don't care for the name) are
actually based on DocBook, and come with a converter.

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