A fix for configure.in in gnome-libs

        I have glib installed in an odd directory (don't want to clutter
up my
nice new clean Debian install) but glib-config is in the path.  This has
caused some problems for gnome-libs and the linking process being unable
to find glib-1.1.  The configure finds it just fine though.  I found
that the line 

GLIB_LIBS=`echo $GTK_LIBS | sed -e 's/.*-lglib/-lglib/' -e 's/ .*//'`

was replacing the correct value of GLIB_LIBS with a value gleamed from
the gtk library path.  This method dropped the -L /home/gsmith/install
part which was provided by glib-config --libs.  I commented out this
line and everything worked just fine.  

Is there any reason for this line?  It seems to defeat the purpose of
glib-config.  If nobody has any objections I will commit the patch. 

Just for reference here's the patch:

diff -u -r1.77 configure.in
--- configure.in        1998/08/04 21:31:28     1.77
+++ configure.in        1998/08/05 00:55:56
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@
-GLIB_LIBS=`echo $GTK_LIBS | sed -e 's/.*-lglib/-lglib/' -e 's/ .*//'`
+dnl GLIB_LIBS=`echo $GTK_LIBS | sed -e 's/.*-lglib/-lglib/' -e 's/
 dnl These definitions are expanded in make and gnome-config

-- Garrett Smith

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