Re: panel (could be imlib?) problems

On  9 Apr, Manish Vachharajani shouted:
->     ->  i get this when running the panel. i'm guessing it has something to do
->     ->  with a missing program imlib uses? i remember seeing some
->     ->  "IMLIB_CONVERT is " when configuring imlib. do i need imagemagick?
->     hint: install libpng, or instlall imagemagick
->     bettrer to install libpng.
->     I think form now on we should make libpng, libtiif, libgif, libjpeg and
->     libz compulsory for gnomem - that will stop problems liek this...
->     anyone disagree for GOOD reasons?
->  Actually, aside from requiring these libs, I think that we should
->  implement a image codec interface(it could just be the Imlib
->  interface).  Then people stick .so files in a plug-ins directory and
->  Imlib would load them and dynamically know the types of files it can
->  handle.  This way, when a new magic format needs to be added someone
->  can just download a new image codec.  Even more importantly, when some
->  non-forward thinking company, releases a proprietary image format
->  someone can write a non-free codec and you can drop it in.

nice idea.. well off you go and write all the codecs come back with an
api and i can plug it into imlib to handle them. I dont have the time
to write AND maintain codecs for 10 zillion image formats.. not even
one. i alerady have decoders built into imlib for ppm, pgm and xpm that
i wrote myself.

->  This paradigm can be extended to other things as well, such as movie
->  and audio codecs.
->  What do people think?

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