Re: libgnome*.h

On Wed, Sep 05, 2001 at 02:32:09PM -0400, jacob berkman wrote:
> for gnome 1, there were <libgnome/libgnome.h> and
> <libgnomeui/libgnomeui.h>. with the old compat lib setup,
> libgnome1-compat provided these files, whilst libgnome provided
> <libgnome.h> and libgnomeui <libgnomeui.h>.
> since we aren't using the compat lib, should we just can the new
> includes and install them to the libgnome(ui) subdirectory like the rest
> of the headers in their library?

The header files are a pretty big problems.  Because gnome-libs 1.x has not
moved towards the versioned header files (that is move the files to
/usr/include/gnome/1/ from /usr/include), they always get pulled in if they
don't exist.  And this is not the case just for libgnomeui.h.  I've had
several problems where old headers were being pulled in.  It's very hard to
spot and you can get some weird problems.  Mostly it's because some file
existed in libgnome/ or libgnomeui/ and doesn't exist anymore.  This is why
the whole versioning policy is so nice.


George <jirka 5z com>
   Who killed bambi?   -- Sex Pistols

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