gnome-keyring Keyring file format incompatibility?

I've installed GNOME Keyring outside of the GNOME Desktop for use with the Subversion client.
I have it installed on Solaris 10 SPARC, Solaris 10 x64 and RHEL 5.5 AS x86_64.
The problem I'm having is that if I use CollabNet Subversion's keyring_tool to create an 'svn' keyring (as per on either of the two types of Solaris server, the keyring file that is created works fine on Solaris but does not work on RHEL.  Likewise, if I create the keyring on RHEL, it works fine on RHEL but does not work on Solaris.
Comparing the two keyrings immediately after the 'keyring_tool --create=svn' shows the files, at 103 bytes long, are the same size but there are 28 bytes that differ between the two.
I'm stuck here.  The GNOME Keyring daemon on Solaris 10 is off the Solaris 10 media, and on RHEL is off the RHEL 5.5 media.  I don't know how to find out exactly which version they are running?  On Solaris they've been built as 32-bit, and on RHEL as 64-bit.  I don't think that should matter however?
Can anyone shed any light as to why the keyring created on Solaris is incompatible with the keyring created on RHEL?
Mark Bannister.
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