Re: gnome-keyring PKCS#11 config file /etc/xdg/pkcs11.conf[.defaults]

On 12/22/2010 01:41 PM, Stef Walter wrote:
> The location of /etc/xdg comes from the "XDG Base Directory
> Specification" [2] although I have not followed that specification to
> locate the config files for security reasons. If this is to become a
> standard, it stands to reason we may choose another location besides
> /etc/xdg.

If you're not using the XDG directory rules then you probably should not
be using /etc/xdg. It will just lead to confusion.

For GNOME, I was assuming that this information would be stored in
gsettings/dconf. (This is, although the bug was
originally something slightly different, and I hijacked it a bit as of
comment 8.)

Then we just rely on dconf defaults/lockdown stuff to make it so the
distro/admin can set things up as desired and the user can't override it
without root authorization.

-- Dan

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