Re: gnome-keyring Sandbox violation during installation on Gentoo Linux

On 2010-12-22 02:26, Martin Rapavý wrote:
> Hello,
> the installation of gnome-keyring-2.91.3 fails on Gentoo Linux due to
> sandbox violation.
> The reason is that the installation rules try to manipulate files
> directly in the live filesystem.
> Could you change the rules, please?
> It appears that the master branch does not have a fix for this yet, so
> I suggest prefixing the destination with $(DESTDIR), as suggested by
> the sections 14.4 and 14.6 of the GNU make manual, perhaps according
> to the patch below, which solves the above-mentioned problem (and
> please acccept my sincere apologies regarding any possible misconduct
> or misbehaviour of mine because of posting here):

Thanks for catching that. I merged your patch in.

As you noted, there is a better place for patches at
Which incidentally seems broken right now :S



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