Re: gnome-keyring Adding Customized Label to object

Hi stef

I failed to add the certificate object with LABEL attribute.

Added the following label attribute before calling
"gck_session_create_object" function.

gck_attributes_add_string (attrs, CKA_LABEL, "Test Label");

GCK Session Create OBject got failed to add the object with the error:
"The field is invalid or does not exist"

However, I have question on storing the adding the attributes.

1. Are we adding these attributes into data object ( I mean in the
individual files) ?

2. In case, if we are storing attributes into user,keyring, I would
like to now the procedure to access the store.


On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 9:17 PM, Stef Walter <stefw collabora co uk> wrote:
> On 2010-12-14 08:29, cm r wrote:
>> I have tried to add the my own label to the certificate by slightly
>> modifying "gkm-certificate,c" code.
> If you create a certificate in the user store, can't you just set
> CKA_LABEL to set a proper label? Or does that not work? If it doesn't
> work then it's a bug that we should fix.
> Cheers,
> Stef

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