Re: gnome-keyring ACL Support

Stef Walter wrote:
On 2010-12-01 11:53, Anders Rundgren wrote:
As a creator of secure server applications using JBoss and TomCat, I get
frustrated by managing gazillions of keystores scattered over the machines.
Gnome Keyring could help but IMO there is still one thing missing and
that's a way to get rid of all the passwords littering various "config"

I haven't given server side secure storage that much thought, but have
you taken a look at the secret service spec?

Hi Stef,

Yes, I have skimmed it at least.  I believe (could be wrong) it has a different
goal than the ACL scheme I propose since my wish is to get away from passwords
altogether for server-applications using keys.

Having talked to banks I also see that doing access control for keys
based on operating system information (calling application) would be useful.

I expect this to eventually be a feature in most mobile operating
systems, otherwise you must use rather discriminating security
models for apps, alternatively letting each app have their open
private key-store.  The latter would make provisioning and management
a nightmare or require that every app has such stuff built-in.

I realize that this would be a major revision and IMO it would be
useless on its own; it must accompanied by other tools, otherwise
it is probably just a waste of precious development cycles.

See it as a discussion :-)  If nobody is interested I will not
push it, but maybe try to add it to Android.

Severely lagging project of mine:

The plan has been completely revised based on stuff like above.




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