GNOME Journal Issue #15 Update

Hello GNOME Journal Team!

I've touched base with most of the authors over the last few days, and wanted to follow up on the Issue 15 deadlines.

We are planning to publish Issue 15 on July 1st.  Articles are due from authors by June 10th, edits complete by June 24th, and that leaves us a week to get them formatted and published.  (This moves up from July 15th, and keeps us on a 60 day cycle).

I'm excited as we have 8(!) articles for the next edition:

I thought about recommending we break this up into 2 groups of 4, and publish on a 30 day cycle, but I leaned against it as it's our 2nd edition of the year, and I thought before we move to an aggressive schedule like that, it's best to see if we can maintain a 60 day publishing cycle.

We have lots of participation from authors, and we already have one more volunteer for editing (/wave Stef).  If you feel you can't make the deadline, or need help with an article, please let me know sooner, rather than later.  I'd rather help collaborate on an article than see it not get published.

I'm hoping issue 16 will be a special edition focused on GUADEC - so if you're going to GUADEC, think about anyone you might be able to recruit to help write articles, or topics that you attend that might be great to recap via an article in GNOME Journal, or interviews that could be conducted.

Lastly, thanks to Les Harris, I've been introduced to Collabtive (, an open source project management and task tracking tool, very similar to the proprietary BaseCamp.  I am using it on my personal server to keep track of all the deadlines around articles to be written, edited, reminders to email out the GJ, etc.  It features the ability to receive an email when a to-do item is assigned to your and / or subscribing to RSS feeds around projects, milestones or tasklists.  If you have nay interest in tracking or helping the maintain all of the tasks that go into a release, please let me know, and I will add you as a user.

Thanks, and please let me know if you have any comments / questions / concerns.


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