Issue 15 Kickoff

Hello GNOME Journal team!

After the success of getting Issue 14 out the door last week, it's time to start working on the next issue.

* Articles

I'm excited to say, we already have 8 articles lined up for our next issue!  (And one is already written and submitted, thanks Les!):

My personal goal for GNOME Journal (until someone tells me different) is to have at least 3 articles per issue, with a focus on GNOME 3.0 if possible.  I would like to see one interview, one article for users, and one for developers, and Issue 15 more than meets those requirements.

Click the link above to see the list of proposed articles - I need to follow up with Shaun to see if he's still interested, but I think all the other articles will be completed based on conversations with their authors.

If you don't think you can complete the article, that's ok - but please let me or the mailing list know, or update the wiki page.

* Timing

With the list of articles already in progress, I'd like to propose moving up the release to July 1st from July 15th, for two reasons:

1 - July 1st would keep the 60 day release cycle in place as Issue 14 came out on May 1st
2 - I'd prefer to have Issue 15 before Guadec starts, rather than after.  I think this continues to help us build buzz and momentum around GNOME Journal, and I'd love for it to be a conversation topic at Guadec.

This would mean I would want articles submitted in about 5 weeks - June 10th, to publish on July 1st.  Authors, is this possible?  Thoughts or concerns?

* Infrastructure

My priority over the next week or two is to get access to the GNOME Journal account on  According Vincent Untz, we're blocked on Jeff Waugh responding.  It looks to me like we have an account on it, but no one besides Jeff seems to know how to access it.   I'm in the process of reaching out to the Sysadmin team to resolve this.

I've also asked Lucas for a copy of the RSS import script to use on Textpattern to import our articles into Wordpress.  Josh Adams has volunteered to help with getting the look and feel of GNOME Journal working in Wordpress.

* Editors

One key thing I learned from last month, is we need more help with editing our articles.  If you know anyone who has a firm grasp of the English language, and can help with grammar and spelling, as well as formatting the article's look and feel, please have them join the mailing list, IRC or drop me an email.

What else am I missing? 

Here's to making another release come true!


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