Issue 15 Update (Editors)

A quick update on Edition 15 - four articles have been updated to Textpattern awaiting review from our editing team.  These include:

* Hamster Review (screenshots complete, needs excerpt)
* Interview with Laszlo Peter (Stef)
* Git for GNOME Translators (Needs screenshot thumbnails, needs excerpt)
* An Introduction to GNOME Zeitgeist (needs exceprt)

Stef has volunteered to edit Stormy's interview Laszlo. 

I can help with editing, and jim said he would help as well.  Please let me know which articles you would like to edit by replying to the list.  My goal is to have the above articles 100% edited by next Tuesday, 6/23, so we can finish the articles below and check for formatting on all articles.

We are waiting on 3 more articles:

* Behind the Scenes with Owen Taylor (I'm waiting on some follow-up questions / answers)
* Sri - Seed Overview (Should have first draft by 6/16)
* Jorge - GNOME-Do (Should have by end of the week)

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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