XGL and NLD10 Article, Is there still time???

Putting the community backlash and ill will aside for a moment, Wouldn't it be great to have an article in Gnome Journal about the awesome new rockingness coolness bling that NLD10 will come with.
I believe that open source is all about momentum, the project with the greatest momentum gets the news stories about it, gets the users, and gets the girl. I had the feeling that gnome had lost some of its buzz lately (due to KDE4 hype, linus loves KDE and other reasons) and now we have the chance to take it back. Closed development aside, look at it from the point of view of "look what can be accomplished with gnome!"
Is anyone able to put together an article in time for the upcoming Gnome Journal about XGL/NLD10 (and their controversial gnome changes) then would it still have time to go in? Or should we wait for next time - if the controversial gnome changes have/are allowed into HEAD then maybe Gnome Journal could even lead with that next issue??
p.s If you have no idea about what I am talking about (presumed asleep for the last 48 hours) see

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