Infrastructure | Mirror for (#691)

Title: GitLab

Abishake Phull created an issue: #691

What's the organization sponsoring the mirror you'd like us to include? -

Why are you interested in mirroring GNOME's code? What's the town/city, country, and continent in which the mirror is located? Are you currently mirroring any other major FOSS project already? We are big fan of open source projects and want to help GIMP project by setting up this mirror. The mirror is in Paris, France. We have setup a mirror for Centos OS too.

Please include an administrative e-mail which can be used to report problems and procedural changes

abhishek phull gmail com

Main point of contact name and surname, e-mail (possibly pointing to a request tracker of any sort in case the main contact is not available. Abishake Phull, abhishek phull gmail com

/cc @averi

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