Fabián Orccón created an issue: #708
Account details
Please provide the following information:
- Your full name: César Fabián Orccón Chipana
- Permanent email address cfoch fanian gmail ocm
- Requested account name. Please note nicknames are NOT allowed (https://wiki.gnome.org/Infrastructure/AccountNamePolicy): cfoch
- Explanation why you think you should get an account: I need to run gnome-build-meta OpenQA job, so it can create a runner that will allow me to schedule job runs.
Issues to consider:
- I have two accounts in Gitlab: "cfoch1" and "cfoch". Both pointing to cfoch fabian gmail com
- Whenever I log in to Gitlab as "cfoch", it opens the profile of "cfoch1". This user cannot push on https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-build-meta.git
- If in Gitlab, I go to rename "cfoch1" to "cfoch", I get "Username change failed - Username has already been taken"