Пётр Трипольский created an issue #565:
Account details
1. Your full name
Peter Tripolsky
2. Permanent email address
tripolskypetr gmail com
3. Requested account name
4. Explanation why you think you should get an account
I am a _javascript_ developer with 5 years of commercial experience. For the last 3 years, I have worked mostly on Frontend. For mobile development, I have self-written a set of React components
I co founded a startup centred around the implementation of an esports platform where AI is acting as a casino croupier, determining the winner of cybersport competitions based on video captured from the user's screen during a match
I already have a serious contribution to the open source movement on GitHub. I think It would be better to switch into GNOME's gitlab. I also have StackOverflow account
https://github.com/tripolskypetr, https://stackoverflow.com/users/7388307
I am requesting a gnome account because I want to be able to contribute to GNOME Apps. Few days ago I started development of GFrame - the open source analog of InFrame which uses GJS as a backend. If the app publishing will be unnecessary, I would gladly contribute to other open source projects.
/cc @averi