Re: first assignment

2015-02-11 17:15 GMT+01:00 Joey STANFORD <joey canonical com>:

I believe the patch setup is an inefficient workflow though. First, you
have to merge a patch vs merging a branch essentially bypassing git's
goodness.  Second, if the shallow clone is updated eventually, all of
/home/users work dirs will have to re-copy from the clone vs just issuing a
a git pull, potentially losing work (granted it's puppet and it's not
that complex and you could probably copy out changes and do a manual
diff).  (Plus, patch files are so 90s! :-)  I believe it would be better to
allow each apprentice have his/her own stand-alone branch that could
then be reviewed and merged in by the sysadmin team.  That said I'm
probably spoiled by github and :-)

Creating branches would actually mean giving rw access to the main
repository which is actually not possible. We went for a shallow clone
for a specific reason which is keeping our main repository around with
the full history available to sysadmins but at the same time making
the repository available with a truncated history. (i.e with sensitive
information removed et all)

While we plan to set up Gerrit long term we want to make use of
Bugzilla for the following reasons:

1. we want patches to be publicly available to all the apprentices and
2. we want to discuss and comment patches and have a reference of what
the patch we are reviewing is actually about
3. we want more than one sysadmin to look at the submitted changes as
pushing to the master repository means changes are reflected live
within the next 30 minutes

As I discussed with Matanya this early morning you can definitely
automatize the whole process with a little script which pulls changes
to your local repository every N minutes. You can even have two
repositories, one with a master (which is an exact copy of
/srv/git/puppet.git's master) and your personal branch and another one
being the local copy of /srv/git/puppet.git itself. You can then use
it as a local "remote" through the "file:///" resource type.

I would like to hear your opinion about what could be the benefits of
having a dedicated personal branch though as I imagine the changes an
apprentice can make being not invasive enough to justify the creation
of a completely separated branch. So the workflow I imagine for an
apprentice is as easy as copying the repository, making the changes,
creating a patch through format-patch, upload the result through
git-bz or the web ui.



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