Merging the new yocto 1.7 rebase

I have rebased gnome-continuous to the latest yocto 1.7 master
(scheduled release date: Oct. 31, 2014). The yocto changes are at:

And the gnome-continiuous changes are at:

This builds and smoketests locally for me on F21.

I think now is a good time to do the rebase, as the 3.14 release is out.
However, to get the new yocto to build on RHEL6 i had to make some

First of all I installed the "python27" and "git19" SCLs. Then I had to
make ostbuild pick these up. This was a bit complex as it normally
cleans the environment when spawning yocto.
What i did was allow overriding ostree-build-yocto as per:

So, in the overrides directory in the build tree i put a file called
"ostree-build-yocto" containing:

 scl enable python27 git19 "/data/gnome/root/lib64/gnome-continuous/ostree-build-yocto $*"

(where /data/gnome/root is my gnome-continuous prefix)

Of course, this still didn't work, because LD_LIBRARY_PATH is stripped
by bitbake. I tried to work around this by using BB_ENV_EXTRAWHITE, but
several build recipies failed anyway since they manually clean the env.

Instead i used patchelf
( like this:
 patchelf --set-rpath /opt/rh/python27/root/usr/lib64 /opt/rh/python27/root/usr/bin/python2.7

which fixed the build

I also rpmbuild --rebuild the tar from F21, as yocto needed a later

With the above i managed to build everything up to builddisks, where i
got into issues with guestfs when building on a virtual machine. I think
these problems will not happen on the real machine, as i don't think
this part will be affected by the yocto rebase.

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