Re: [ #14506] GNOME Panel maintainers

On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 3:55 PM, Andrea Veri via RT <support gnome org>

On Mon Sep 08 11:46:17 2014, alberts muktupavels gmail com wrote:
Thanks for info. I did not know where to send my question. I sent it to
desktop-devel-list, but got e-mail that it is waiting for moderator

I did approve your email now ;)


I have two other questions:
1) Why when I send mail to gnome-announce-list and desktop-devel-list
someone needs to approve it?

gnome-announce-list requires an admin to moderate your emails through as
emails there have to adhere to specific guidelines in terms of subject -
content of the email sent.

Why GNOME Applets 3.8.0 release was not approved?

desktop-devel-list is an open list you can subscribe to, right after
subscribing you will be able to send emails there without triggering the
moderation queue. The subscription page can be found at [1].

This was my fault. I forgot to confirm subscription. :(

2) I have created new request for bugzilla product - #735089, but till
there is no response.

Andre should be able to have a look at it soonish. I'm CCing him to this




GNOME Sysadmin
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Alberts Muktupāvels

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