[gnome.org #14641] Request for GNOME Internet Radio Locator mailing list: girl-list

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Sat Nov 08 13:38:41 2014: Request 14641 was acted upon.
Transaction: Ticket created by oka oka no
       Queue: Mailman
     Subject: Request for GNOME Internet Radio Locator mailing list: girl-list
       Owner: Nobody
  Requestors: oka oka no
      Status: new
 Ticket <URL: https://rt.gnome.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=14641 >

--- Original message follows: --------------------------------------------------------------
Yesterday I announced the GNOME Internet Radio Locator to the mailing
list gnome-announce-list gnome org 

GNOME Internet Radio Locator 0.2.2 is now available under GNU GPL from


I have packaged the software package for Fedora, and hope that it will
be reviewed and included in the next Fedora release (see Bug #1161834).


It would be useful with a mailing list for the development of the GNOME
Internet Radio Locator software package.

Could you create the mailinglist girl-list gnome org with ole gnome org
as administrator?

Thanks in advance.

\ o.O|  Ole Aamot, oka oka no, http://oka.no/
   U    "Meow!"

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