Re: Team updates needed for the 2009 Q4 GNOME Quarterly Report

* I installed Plone webtest instance for the web team too. ;-D


Alexandro Silva
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+55 71 8847-5385

Jeff Schroeder wrote:
* I installed CiviCRM for Stormy and Zana to track donations.
* Andrea Veri joined the Accounts team. He's been doing a great job
cleaning up rt tickets old and new.

On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 5:52 PM, Paul Cutler <pcutler foresightlinux org> wrote:
Happy New Year Sysadmin Team!
It's time to put together our update for the quarterly report.  Looking
back, the team worked on the following projects over the last few months:
* Added Splinter to (Owen)
* Installed Piwik for web analytics for the marketing team (Jeff)
* Installed Plone editors instance for the web team (Alexandro)
* Coordinated server move with Red Hat IT staff (Owen)
* Updated / MoinMoin (Olav)
What else am I missing as far as projects / accomplishments last quarter?
 Let me know by Thurs / Fri please, and I'm happy to put together the update
for Stormy this week.
On a related note, I'd like to try and get a meeting scheduled towards the
end of the month to talk about status updates on current projects and
discuss the new few things we want to work on.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Stormy Peters <stormy gnome org>
Date: Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 5:10 PM
Subject: Team updates needed for the 2009 Q4 GNOME Quarterly Report
To: Vincent Untz <vuntz gnome org>, Andreas Nilsson <nisses mail home se>,
Willie Walker <William Walker sun com>, Calum Benson <Calum Benson sun com>,
Andre Klapper <ak-47 gmx net>, Paul Cutler <pcutler foresightlinux org>,
john carr unrouted co uk, Dave Neary <dneary gnome org>, Lucas Rocha
<lucasr gnome org>, SimosLists gmail com, Bruno Boaventura
<brunoboaventura gmail com>, Germán Póo-Caamaño <gpoo gnome org>, shaunm
<shaunm gnome org>, tobiasmue gnome org

Thanks everyone for your help with the Q2 & Q3 report - we continue to get
positive feedback about the quarterly reports! It's time for Q4,
October-December 2009.

I'm a bit behind with my reminders - sorry about that. Would it be possible
for everyone to get updates in by Monday, January 11th?  I will then get the
report out by Friday, January 16th.

These updates will also help us with the annual report, so your report will
do double duty!

Here's the list of people I have. Let me know if I'm missing anyone or it
should be someone else.

 Release Team -- Vincent Untz
 Art Team -- Andreas Nilsson
Accessibility Team -- Willie Walker
Usability Team -- Calum Benson
Bug Squad -- Andre Klapper
Marketing Team -- Paul Cutler
Sysadmin Team -- John Carr
Mobile -- Dave Neary
Website -- Lucas Rocha
Localization -- Simos Xenitellis
Documentation Team -- Shaun McCance
Events - Stormy Peters (looking for an enthusiastic reporter!)
Membership (new members and expired memberships) - Tobias Mueller
Finance - Germán Póo-Caamaño

Remember, an update, any update (short, brief, long, not perfect) is better
than no update. I'll proof read and spell check.

Last quarter, at least a couple of people ran their reports by the team
mailing list before sending them to me - I think that was a great idea.



P.S. Here's are the reports for reference:

gnome-infrastructure mailing list
gnome-infrastructure gnome org

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