Re: Sysadmin Team Update (and looking for 2 volunteers)


I'm not on the sysadmin team, so I don't know if my opinion counts for
anything, but I've worked with Ray in a professional capacity for some
time now and can definitely vouch for him as a dedicated,
enthusiastic, and optimistic quick learner.  He's a vital member of
the mono-a11y QA team, and has also been known to contribute patches
and translations to various GNOME projects.  He's a reliable dude who
responds to any issues before I wake up the next morning.

If you don't know Ray, you should bring him on the team just so you
can get to know him.  :-P

Also, he's funny as hell.


On Sat, Feb 13, 2010 at 7:15 AM, Ray Wang <wanglei1123 gmail com> wrote:
> Hello Paul,
> I'd like to be a volunteer for GNOME sysadmin team.
> Reasons:
> * I have known GNOME for more than 10  years, and have used it for 5+ years.
> * It's Free software that I'd like to contribute to.
> * I have some experience on sysadmin
> * I'm having the confidence/ability to learn new things that I don't know.
> * Want to be more professional by learning from other gurus.
> Skills:
> * Bash/Python/Sed scripting language knowledge
> * Experience on managing the network infrastructure of my previous company
> * Bugzilla, VCS, CMS, Blog system installation/administration experience.
> * GNU/Linux system administration knowledge.
> I really want to be the one of volunteers for GNOME sysadmin team,
> not only to contribute to this great community, but also want to learn
> more from other experts.
> I'm mostly active in translation team and gnome accessibility, but I'm
> not sure if there is someone could vouch for me.
> I bet most of sysadmins are from western world, my little advantage is
> I'm in eastern.
> so it's probably better to construct a 24 hours available team for
> GNOME infrastructure. :)
> More information will be provided upon request if you like!
> On Sat, Feb 13, 2010 at 11:08 AM, Paul Cutler <pcutler gnome org> wrote:
>> Last year John Carr oversaw the team and the Sysadmin team was able to
>> work on a number of improvements to the GNOME infrastructure, including
>> a Bugzilla upgrade, installing a CRM system and web analytics
>> application for the Marketing team and Plone, a CMS for a new
>> We are looking for two volunteers to join the team to help with these
>> projects and more.  As Owen mentioned last year, team member
>> responsibilities include:
>> * Attending the IRC meetings
>> * Regularly spending time handling routine tasks
>> * Volunteering for infrastructure development projects as needed
>> If you are interested in joining the team, please join the gnome-infrastructure mailing list[3]
>> and introduce yourself, why you want to join and any relevant skills or
>> experience you have.  It is helpful if you have been active in other
>> GNOME teams and can have someone vouch for you. (We are talking about
>> giving you root access to GNOME servers, after all!)
> --
> Ray Wang
>  - Free As In Freedom
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