Re: Ip information for the new snowy virtual machine

On Sun, 2010-04-25 at 19:22 -0700, Jeff Schroeder wrote:
> What public / private ips should be used for the new snowy vm? The
> private ip should be fairly easy to deduce, but I'm not aware of the
> public ips available or if we have some clever addressing scheme. A
> quick glance over the wiki didn't show anything obvious.
> Fedora 12 is loaded into cobbler and I'll work on the kickstart
> template as soon as I've got the ip info.

* Private IP - we can use whatever addresses we like within the /24.
  The canonical place to pick one and reserve it is in the /etc/hosts
  in puppet (modules/gnome_network/templates/hosts)

* Public IP - we need to get these allocated by Red Hat IT, so let
  me know if you need one 

  (Basic information I need is a quick description of what it will be
  used for, and any special network ACLs different from the standard
  network ACL list for the GNOME machines. If you want reverse DNS to
  resolve to something specific, include that.)

  The turnaround on that is usually < 1 business day; if it
  blocks your work you could also use the one we got allocated for but aren't using yet (it has generic reverse DNS).
  See the commented out entry in the zone file.

- Owen

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