Re: GCDS: Gnome repository mirror

2009/7/4 John Carr <john carr unrouted co uk>:
> Hey guys
> I've added gnome-infrastructure gnome org to the Cc to get some more
> eyes on this. I've also cc'd owen for some input before we go poking
> our git server in the eye.
> There have been suggestions that Git is abnormally slow for some
> people but we've not found a root cause for this. We know some of our
> repositiories are just massive.
> Can you provide any more detail here - what kind of throughput are you getting?

Can we also get a traceroute or the output from mtr? It might be a
strange routing issue.

> 2009/7/3 Ignacio Aliende García <ialiende foton es>:
>> Hi, I'm Ignacio from the workteam, I was told to do git clones of every
>> project under and I have bad speed problems. I don't know if
>> there is something wrong on that side or we have a bad connection on ours
>> but I'd need preference for Could you do that for us?
>> Thank you very much. Ignacio.
>> --
>> Ignacio Aliende García <ialiende foton es>
>> Fotón, Sistemas Inteligentes S.L.
>> Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
>> Canary Islands (Spain)
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Jeff Schroeder

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