Remaining tasks?


On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 1:04 PM, Federico Mena Quintero
<federico ximian com> wrote:
> Do you want to do that?  I could pick another TODO from the list
> (svn:externals is making me pretty eyes), or start writing the docs
> we'll need for people.
> [Or I can continue with the hooks and start figuring out how to port
> them.]

Okay, I read up on what you have all put on the wiki.  Helping with
porting hooks or comparing git imports to svn checkouts was what I had
in mind before, but it looks like those are already being tackled.  I
could work on converting the new-svn-repos script.  I suspect that
just means initializing a new repository with the appropriate hooks
for the most part (plus making sure it will run within whatever
restricted shell we have set up), but I'd like to look at the script.
I couldn't find it easily and can't log on to to look at
the copy there.  Anyone know where I can access it?  What else would
be good to work on...documentation?

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