[olav bkor dhs org: SVN.gnome.org downtime! Sun 8 Jun 7:00 - 10:00 UTC]


I'm going to setup a backup on container. If anything goes wrong, it'll
just be a DNS change.

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As you could've seen in my blog[1], I plan to upgrade the svn.gnome.org on:

                   Sun 9 Jun from 7:00 - 10:00 UTC

This will mean that svn.gnome.org will NOT be available at that time.

Suggest to either use the Bzr mirror
(http://live.gnome.org/BzrForGnomeDevelopers), or figure out Git

Note: Please *wait* with committing until *either* 10:00 UTC
(hopefully;) *or* when it is announced as back up (#gnome-hackers on
GIMPNet and devel-announce-list). This as I obviously will need to test
it after it has been upgraded.

For those using a DVCS, I'd love to see a repeat of

[1] http://blogs.gnome.org/ovitters/2008/05/29/deciding-when-to-upgrade-svngnomeorg/

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