Re: New mailman version

Olav Vitters wrote:
> Iʼve upgraded the Mailman version on to 2.1.10. In this
> version I redid the post-only patch. Basically, if the default action
> for new subscribers is to moderate them (done on e.g.
> metacity-devel-list), then members subscribed to post-only wonʼt be
> automatically accepted. In 2.1.10 Mailman supports something like
> post-only by default (see NEWS). I found it easier to patch this logic
> in than to change existing lists and to ensure new lists would get the
> post-only setting as well.
> If you see any problems, please email gnome-sysadmin. Note that
> yesterdays email backlog wasnʼt caused by the Mailman upgrade. I waited
> until it cleared.
> ----
> Note: I plan to integrate the discarded / accepted messages with
> Spamassassin (bayes stuff).

If you can get me the new patch, I'll pass it along to Barry Warsaw for
inclusion in mainline Mailman.


kurt von finck

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