Re: rt3 love for the membership committee

Em Qui, 2006-04-20 �11:35 +0200, Vincent Untz escreveu:
> Hi all,


> I believe the main issues are:
>  + creating accounts with permissions to handle what's in the foundation
>    queue. The current list of membership committee member is:
>    (except I shouldn't be in this list)

All those should have received usernames and passwords for RT access by
e-mail, with which they can handle the Foundation Membership queue.

>  + make it so that the membership-committee list is always on the CC list
>    for the mails of this queue.


> Then, we'll switch the application form to send a mail to rt3.

Your turn! =)

  Guilherme de S. Pastore
  The GNOME Sysadmin Team

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