Re: hosting

On Fri, 2006-06-02 at 23:57 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-06-01 at 20:25 +0700, Ross Golder wrote:
> > I did start setting up a virtualhost on window, with auto-update from
> > cvs etc, but I got distracted half-way and haven't had a chance to get
> > back to it. Sorry.
> Thanks for any effort. 
> > Murray, if you have a shell account on window, could you just create a
> > '' folder in your homedir, and we an add a virtualhost with
> > that as the documentroot. At least, for now.
> There's now a copy of the website at 
> /home/users/murrayc/
> It's nothing special - just html with SSI.
> I guess I need to change the nameservers with my domain registrar. At
> the appropriate time, could you give me the appropriate details please.
> Many thanks.

I guess you are all busy with these odd mailing list problems, but maybe
there's a page somewhere that tells me what I need to do to get this

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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