Re: Setting up drupal for GUADEC

<quote who="Owen Taylor">

> Here we either need:
>  A) A tested set of RewriteRule statements to add to the conf file
>     (What Andy posted to guadec-list didn't work; make sure that
>     the rules take care of the pages that need to be accessed
>     statically, like theme .css files, and so forth.)
> Or:
>  B) A minimal configuration change to allow mod_rewrite to work
>     from your .htaccess. (Minimal here means not "AllowOverride all")
> A) is slightly preferred but we could go either way.

All of the rewrite rules are present in the Drupal .htaccess file, and work
out of the box as long as the rewrite module is enabled. The Drupal htaccess
file is very sanely written and *should not be changed* (otherwise you make
upgrades unnecessarily harder).

- Jeff

-- 2006: Dunedin, New Zealand     
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