Installing anonymous voting system on a server

Hi guys,

It seems we might see a referendum happening before the elections this
year. It means less time for the membership committee to organize a lot
of stuff, but also less time for the sysadmins to help us :-)

We'd appreciate if a sysadmin can look at the code for the anonymous
voting system and search for security problems (there shouldn't be any
but who knows ;-)). And then, if we can install it, it'd be perfect. The
code can be downloaded here:

(I should probably put the code somewhere in cvs, but I don't know

There's a database.sql file in the tarball describing the sql tables
that are needed. Note that the last one (foundation_members) already
exists, although it doesn't have the same structure.

It'd also be really nice to have access to mango (and mango code) so we
can manage the membership database with it. If there's not enough time
for this, I can probably write some code to do all this on my computer,
and I'll synchronize the membership list later.



Les gens heureux ne sont pas press�

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